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What are ACF and PACF in time series analysis?
If you’re just starting to work with time series analysis, you may be coming across terms like autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF).
Hopefully, by the end of this, you will understand what scikit-learn’s OneHotEncoder does and why, how to interpret linear regression coefficients from OneHotEncoder, why you should drop one column / category when you use OneHotEncoder, and how to pick which one!
Work faster in your bash terminal
Some tips and tricks to make the terminal less frustrating
Why is data science right for me?
Why do I think that data science is so cool?
It seems like every website connected to the internet talks about how data science is the hottest, sexiest job you can find. Of course, that isn’t true for everyone. But, here’s some reasons why it’s definitely at the top of my list!